Barry Isenor B.Arch, B.E.S., BCIN
Studied Architecture at the Technical University of Nova Scotia and has worked in architectural offices in Japan, England, Montreal and Toronto. Co-founder of The Splinter, a publication dealing with issues evolving around art, architecture and urbanism and other manifestations of that project including the Antic Architecture Cinema, Demo Home, an installation dealing with contemporary conditions of dwelling and Man Size, an exhibition of contemporary sculpture. In 2001 he founded Team Project.Christie Pearson B.Arch, B.E.S., M.Arch, OAA
An Architect with twenty years of experience with cultural, community and institutional projects with a focus on the public and not-for-profit sector. She is a founding member and editor at the journal Scapegoat: Architecture, Landscape, Political Economy; teaches design at the University of Waterloo School of Architecture; and advocates for the public realm through multi-disciplinary community arts events.Michal Maciej Bartosik B.Arch,
Studied Architecture at the University of Toronto School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, and at the Politechnika Krakowska in Krakow. His work spans his mutual interest in Urbanism, Architecture, Art and Design and has been exhibited internationally. Bartosik is an Adjunct Assistant Professor at the University of Waterloo School of Architecture and a guest critic at the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design. His furniture design is represented by Klaus by Nienkamper.